Money Skills for Therapists Podcast

Money can be stressful and confusing for therapists and health practitioners in private practice – dealing with all of our feelings and stories about it, understanding how to actually manage our business finances, and making money work for us in our lives can feel so daunting that many therapists just avoid dealing with money altogether. Join Linzy Bonham, therapist and creator of Money Skills for Therapists, as she demystifies all things private practice finances through short and sweet solo episodes, conversations with therapists who have transformed their relationships with money, and live coaching calls with Money Skills for Therapists students.

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Picture of Hi I'm Linzy

Hi I'm Linzy

I’m a therapist in private practice, and a the creator of Money Skills for Therapists. I help therapists and health practitioners in private practice feel calm and in control of their finances.

Do you have a question for Linzy?

Record your message below, and we’ll do our best to answer it on an upcoming podcast episode!

Please say your first name and then share your question. We do edit these questions, so don’t worry if you make a mistake! Just start your sentence again if needed.

And be sure to tune in to our new Q&A episodes to hear thoughtful questions and insightful answers about money.

Check out our latest episodes....

Do you struggle to make your business numbers work for you even though you’re budgeting? In this episode, Linzy talks with Paula Miller, a dietitian with a group practice who is struggling to make her numbers work for her now that she has more staff.

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Three Investments to Save in Private Practice

Do you struggle with figuring out how to best invest in your private practice? In this practical episode, Linzy and guest Aisha Shabazz dig into a few specific investments that reap major dividends when private practitioners put them into action in their business lives.

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How to Create Your Ideal Practice with ZynnyMe

Are you striving to have a private practice that really works for you and helps you live a fulfilling, balanced life? In today’s episode, Kelly Higdon and Miranda Palmer of ZynnyMe join Linzy to discuss strategies therapists in private practice can start implementing today to help them reach financial and personal goals.

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Learning How to Invest with Kaci Schmitt

How are you investing your money for retirement? In this practical financial episode, Linzy and Kaci dig into what it looks like to wisely invest our money as private practitioners so that our money can grow for us.

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Overcoming Our Money Stories with Catherine Quiring

Do practical and emotional obstacles around money prevent you from taking the next steps to level up your private practice? In this episode, Catherine and Linzy dig into how working through those money stories and obstacles has opened up so many opportunities within Catherine’s practice and in her life.

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Addressing Burnout and Finding Your Passion Coaching Session

Are you considering growing a group practice or looking for ways to address burnout? In this coaching, Linzy and Ilene focus on Ilene’s current state of burnout, and they work through what it would look like for Ilene to expand her group practice in order to make space for a significant reduction in the number of clients she personally sees each week.

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Managing Financial Anxiety and Preparing for a Recession

Do you have anxiety when you think about your finances? In this episode, Lindsay Bryan Podvin shares about the emotional side of money, and the ways that anxiety around money can show up as either procrastination or perfectionism. Linzy and Lindsay discuss what the recession can mean for therapists from a practical and emotional standpoint, and what we can do now to be more financially prepared for it.

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Expanding Beyond a Solo Practice Coaching Session

Are you considering ways to expand beyond your solo practice? In this coaching session, Natalia shares that she has been at capacity as a solo practitioner for quite a while and is considering whether it’s a good time to expand into hiring someone and creating a group practice.

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Setting Up Your Money to Support Your Wellbeing

How can you get your money working for you in a way that supports and nourishes you? How do you balance supporting yourself with the resources that you need while also saving up for the future? In this coaching session, Linzy and Heidi dig into what it looks like when you’re making more money in your private practice than ever before, but find that you’re also spending more too.

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How to Know When It’s Time to Leave Private Practice

How do you know when it’s time to retire from private practice and move onto something new? What could the transition look like as you move into the next chapter of your professional life? Maegan Megginson comes back on the podcast to share her expertise around when it’s time to transition out of private practice and what that transition period could be like.

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Fear of Visibility is Impacting Your Private Practice

How does overachievement show up when it comes to money? How can we slow down and settle into our bodies and feelings to better manage our relationship to money? Heather Stevenson shares about what overachievement often looks like when it comes to finances.

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Overachieving and Money with Heather Stevenson

How does overachievement show up when it comes to money? How can we slow down and settle into our bodies and feelings to better manage our relationship to money? Heather Stevenson shares about what overachievement often looks like when it comes to finances.

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