Money Nuts & Bolts


We Help Therapists, Health Practitioners and Coaches in Private Practice Feel Calm & in Control Of their Finances

Abundant Living Conference Attendees!

Welcome to Abundant Living Conference

Use code ALC2022 to access these virtual swag offers:

  • Free access to our mini-course ‘Creating Stability in Uncertain Times’
Abundant Living Conference

Creating Stability in Uncertain Times

This mini-course walks you through how to make strategic money decisions in your business and your household when the economy is down – without having to stop growing and living your life!

Creating Stability in Uncertain Times includes practical steps to give you more clarity about your financial situation and make strategic money decisions that make sense for your situation. It also guides you in identifying some of the mindset and emotional pieces that come up for you when things are stressful with money – since without paying attention to those, it’s very hard to make positive changes!

 … and remember to add coupon code ALC2022 to get 100% discount off Creating Stability in Uncertain Times!

Register Here to Watch My Free Masterclass

🔒 I value your privacy and will never share your contact information. We’ll only use your cell phone number to send you a text message reminder 10 minutes before the Masterclass starts. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive an invitation to watch my free Masterclass and to get tips and advice on building a healthy relationship with your private practice finances – Linzy

Here's what you'll learn in this Masterclass:


3 of the BIGGEST mistakes that keep therapists from getting clarity on their private practice finances… It’s normal you don’t know how to manage your business finances – no one ever taught you. These common mistakes keep us stuck, and are easy to shift once you know what they are.


How I went from just getting by in my practice to thriving financially…  Learn how to make lasting change in your relationship with money so you can really meet your financial needs!


My 4 step framework to get your business finances totally in order… So that you can feel calm and clear about your finances, and focus your energy on the work you love to do (instead of worrying about money!)


You’ll get my free Action Guide when you register!

Does This Sound Familiar?

“I have a lot of anxiety around money, so I just avoid it”

“I just zero everything out and spend everything I have. I don’t save for taxes or vacations, I don’t prepare for the future…”

“I always feel like I just have enough. No matter how many more clients I see, I still feel like I’m just getting by”

“I dread filing my taxes because I don’t have enough savings”

This Masterclass Is For You if...

You’re a service-based business owner (mental health therapist, acupuncturist, dietitian, nutritionist, speech language pathologist, massage therapist, tutor, coach, and more)

You’re making good money in your private practice (or are on your way), but don’t feel the positive impact of that because money just seems to disappear, or you hoard it because you have no idea what to do with it

You want to be able to make strategic business decisions and feel like the empowered leader of your business

Are you ready to take control of your private practice finances?

Find out exactly what I did, what I teach other therapists, health practitioners, and coaches, and what you can do right away …

to finally feel clear, calm and confident about your private practice finances.

I’m a therapist in private practice turned money coach who helps therapists, health practitioners, and coaches feel calm and in control of their finances, and the creator of the Money Skills for Therapists course.

As the daughter of an accountant, I inherited a good dose of bookkeeping brain. I’m like half therapist, half bookkeeper. So when I went into private practice I dug right into all the ways to build a healthy business that pays for my life and always has extra money in the bank.

I also saw my super skilled colleagues struggle with the money side of business. Some had even left private practice, or were avoiding starting one, because the money side was too stressful.

So I put my lucky combination of people and money skills together, and Money Skills for Therapists was born.

Now I help therapists, health practitioners, and coaches develop peace of mind about their money. Since so many of us were never taught about money, I focus on the ‘how’ of making the financial side of private practice doable, and even super satisfying (feeling competent and calm about your money is pretty swell!)

Are you ready to take control of your private practice finances?

Linzy has some sort of amazing magic that makes engaging with your businesses finances fun. I’m still not totally sure how she did it, but I’ve gone from someone who was super overwhelmed about what to do with my business finances to someone who feels way more grounded and secure in what I’m doing in regards to the money I bring in.
Jen Fedette
LCP in Arlington, VA
Before working with Linzy I was completely avoidant when it came to money in my business and especially personally. Like super avoidant. I didn’t even know how much money I made last year. Now that I've finished Money Skills for Therapists, I’m finally clear on my money goals and what it will actually take to get where I want to go.
Erica Ames
LCSW in Huston, TX
Linzy is the smartest, most down-to-earth money guru/therapist you’ll ever have the pleasure to know. I went from feeling paralyzed, uniformed and overwhelmed by my business finances to clear, organized and in control. I actually look forward to working on my finances each week, and it’s become something that I do not only to take care of my business, but also for my own peace of mind.
Jeanne Layne
PLLC in Trenton, MI
I am so grateful for you Linzy, for helping me out and listening to me and encouraging me not to hang up or to hide my face when I was crying when we were going over very tough stuff. Right now I feel a lot better and more confident about my business. I have set a budget and every dollar has a job and I know that my money is working for me. Now I’m able to save money.
Kim Wheeler-Poitevien
LCSW in Philadelphia, PA
I've been in practice for 23 years and have tried a variety of ways to work with my finances and understanding them... I never was successful at "getting it", but I got this and wish that I had had this at the beginning of my career. It would have made this part of my life so much simpler.
LCSW in Lake Oswego

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