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116: Streamline Your Practice Using Jane with Amy-Lynn Taylor

Streamline Your Practice Using Jane with Amy-Lynn Taylor Episode Cover Image

“I work with a phenomenal team of people. They are truly exceptional and all of us genuinely care about what it is that we’re doing and the support that we give. Jane’s mission is ‘help the helpers,’ and we take that to heart, I can promise you. We believe in what it is that you as practitioners offer. And we want to support you while you are making a difference in the world.”

~Amy-Lynn Taylor

Meet Amy-Lynn Taylor

Amy-Lynn Taylor is Jane’s Manual Therapy Advocate. Starting out on the support team, Amy has been with Jane for almost 2 years. With a background in administrative office management,  Amy is passionate about helping people find the best tools and processes to get the most out of their valuable time. Amy loves efficient software, a good workflow, big dogs, and iced coffee.

In this Episode...

Do you spend too much time on scheduling, billing, or managing clinical notes? Linzy talks with Amy-Lynn Taylor from Jane, a clinic management software designed to simplify and streamline the administrative tasks that often bog down health practitioners.

Amy-Lynn and Linzy discuss what Jane offers, from seamless appointment scheduling and payment processing to managing clinical notes and integrating American insurance. Linzy shares her own firsthand experiences with Jane and discusses how Jane reduces administrative friction, giving you more time to focus on your patients. Join us as we explore how Jane can transform your practice and create more ease in your professional life.

Want to try Jane for free? Listeners can go to meet.jane.app/more-time and can use the code MNB1MO at the time of sign-up for a 1-month grace period applied to your new account, or you can book a personalized demo to learn more.

More about Jane

Your evenings and weekends should be spent with loved ones, not catching up on paperwork and admin tasks. 

Jane App is a clinic management software and EMR that helps reduce the time you spend on after-hours admin work. Here are a few ways Jane can lend a hand:

  • Gather patient or client information ahead of time with user-friendly online intake forms (we’ll even send a 24-hour reminder for incomplete forms).
  • Speed up checkout by collecting patients’ insurance and credit card information on your intake form, then choose to charge the card on file or send a Payment Request email or SMS post-appointment.
  • Keep your day running smoothly with SMS & email appointment reminders and automated waitlist notifications.

Check Out the Jane App

To see how Jane can help you free up your evenings from admin tasks, head to meet.jane.app/more-time to book a personalized demo. But, if you’re ready to get started, you can use the code MNB1MO at the time of sign-up for a 1-month grace period applied to your new account.

Want to work with Linzy?

Check out the FREE masterclass, The 4 Step Framework to Getting Your Business Finances Totally in Order, where you’ll learn the framework that has helped hundreds of therapists go from money confusion and shame to calm and confidence, as well as the three biggest financial mistakes that therapists make. At the end, you’ll be invited to join Money Skills for Therapists and get Linzy’s support in getting your finances finally working for you.

Click HERE 
to find a masterclass time that works for you!

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Amy-Lynn: I work with a phenomenal team of people. They are truly exceptional, and all of us genuinely care about what it is that we’re doing and the support that we give. Jane’s mission is to help the helpers, and we take that to heart, I can promise you. We believe in what it is that you as practitioners offer. And we want to support you while you are making a difference in the world.

[00:00:29] Linzy: Welcome to the Money Skills for Therapists podcast, where we answer this question: how can therapists and health practitioners go from money shame and confusion to feeling calm and confident about their finances and get money really working for them in both their private practice and their lives? I’m your host, Linzy Bonham, therapist turned money coach, and creator of the course Money Skills for Therapists.

[00:00:49] Hello, and welcome back to the podcast. Today on the podcast, we have Amy-Lynn from Jane. I’m very excited to have Amy-Lynn on the podcast so that we could nerd out about Jane. Jane is the software that I used in my own practice when I was in private practice, and it is Canadian. So this is a little bit of a Canadian invasion, maybe, on the podcast for folks who are American, you may or may not be familiar with Jane yet.

[00:01:17] I will say that Jane is a clinic management software that in Canada is kind of the default. Like whenever I go to book with my osteopath or a massage therapist or a naturopath, they all use Jane, and it’s such a great tool, great system. It has so many wonderful features and more and more, they are like moving into the States, and they have made it now so that they have American insurance features.

[00:01:40] And so it’s a really, really nice addition to kind of the options that we have around clinic management softwares. And so today in my conversation with Amy-Lynn, we talk about Jane E. itself. We talk about the features of it. What does it do? How does it make your life easier? We talk about the places that as health practitioners, we tend to lose time, all those kinds of administrative tasks or places where there can be friction around payment collections and bookings and notes, like all these little things that add up in the course of a clinical or treatment day to suddenly make it so that you have way more work to do, either like after hours, or your day just ends up being way long, or there’s often what I find with clinical notes, often we just don’t get to them when there’s a lot of friction. When you’re spending a lot of time doing administrative tasks, we end up putting things off that need attention like clinical notes, or maybe like working on your finances, for example.

[00:02:33] So we talked today about the features that Jane has to give you back your time, let you focus on the work that you love to do and making the other parts of your work, all those admin pieces so much easier. And then we talk about what it looks like to switch to Jane, the supports that they have in place.

[00:02:49] If you are curious about checking out Jane for your clinic management software, here is my conversation with Amy-Lynn from Jane.

[00:03:12] Linzy: So Amy-Lynn, welcome to the podcast.

[00:03:15] Amy-Lynn: Thank you so much for having me. It’s such a pleasure to be here, Linzy, and to talk about Jane.

[00:03:20] Linzy: Yeah, I’m so excited to have you here. I used Jane in my own practice for years, years and years. And I was such a fan of what you folks do. So it’s actually really nice now to be able to like, share you, with the world, especially we were chatting off mic about how a lot of Americans don’t know about Jane, cause it’s started in Canada and is in the States, but like is newer to the Americans, American market. If I want to talk businessy. So I’m excited to be able to talk about what you folks do today on the podcast,

[00:03:50] Amy-Lynn: That’s so exciting. I’m excited. I’m always excited to talk about Jane.

[00:03:54] Linzy: That’s a good sign. You’re in the right job.

[00:03:55] Amy-Lynn: Yeah. Yes.

[00:03:56] Linzy: So I’m curious, Amy-Lynn, about you. Can you tell me a little bit about you and your background and how you got started at Jane?

[00:04:03] Amy-Lynn: Absolutely. So my background is administrative and office management. Actually before I started doing customer service more in the tech space, I actually managed an equine veterinary clinic. So I am used to the idea of scheduling and booking, and while there’s definitely some differences between animal practices and human ones,

[00:04:22] there’s a lot of things that are the same. My journey to Jane started with me as a patient. My local massage therapist uses Jane, and I was able to book an appointment online, and I was able to fill out my intake paperwork on my phone, and I was like, this is the coolest thing.

[00:04:37] I don’t have to sit there with a clipboard for 15 minutes and, you know, so I scrolled down to the bottom of the page and I saw that it was powered by Jane. And so I clicked on that link, and I learned more about Jane and their mission, and their values. And I thought, wow, this would be like a really great place to work, and here I am.

[00:04:55] Linzy: Look at that.

[00:04:56] Sometimes things just call to you. You just know.

[00:04:59] Amy-Lynn: Yeah, absolutely. And I definitely felt called to it for sure.

[00:05:04] Linzy: So what is your role at Jane?

[00:05:06] Amy-Lynn: So my role at Jane, I started in support, and I am still in support, but I have recently become the manual therapy advocate at Jane. And the advocates, our role is basically because Jane is multidisciplinary… So we are the advocates for the disciplines to make sure that, you know, the voice of our practitioners is

[00:05:26] being heard. So,when we focus on, for example, in the manual therapy space, I will take feedback from chiropractors, and I go to conferences and that type of thing. And then I’m the person that takes that information back to the wider team. So to our product team, to our developers and to the support team, so that as we work to make Jane better, and we introduce new features, we know that the voice of the practitioner is being heard and considered in those changes.

[00:05:53] So. It’s an exciting role. I’m very excited to be part of it.

[00:05:57] Linzy: Yeah, and we’re going to talk about what Jane is for a sec, just for folks listening, just so you know. If you’re like, what are they talking about? Don’t worry. We are going to dig into that. But I will say, that is something that I so appreciated about Jane as a user. Like I started with a different clinic software that’s actually out of Australia.

[00:06:12] There were a few options. I used one and it had all these bumpy glitchy kind of features about it that were just so little, but they add up, right? Like when we’re using a system every single day… I remember my clinic management software had it so that You had to write your notes in the order that they happened.

[00:06:28] So I had to actually line up my note taking with the session. So if I just had a session, and I wanted to write the note, but I hadn’t written the note for the last time, I can’t write today’s note and have it be in the right order. I’d have to go back and write like the last note. Otherwise my notes show up in the order that I wrote them rather than the order the appointments happened.

[00:06:45] And it’s like such a little thing. But when you’re a little perfectionistic, which perhaps I am, recovering or not, and which folks in my audience tend to be like, we like things to be clear, organized. Just something little like that is such a headache. Like it makes a big difference, and then it interrupts your workflow.

[00:07:04] So then my, you know, response to that would be like, well, I’m just not going to do this note because I haven’t done the note before yet. And then I actually ended up literally hundreds of notes behind because we’re doing that same little thing over and over every day. Yeah. And it has these big ripple effects.

[00:07:17] So I will just say something I so appreciate about Jane is like, I know that it was developed by practitioners, right? It was developed by a physio. Do I have that right?

[00:07:25] Amy-Lynn: Yeah. Well, actually one of our co CEOs, because we have two CEOs, Allie and Trevor, and Allie opened a multidisciplinary clinic in North Vancouver. And so definitely there was that… it was like multidisciplinary, so physios and all of that wonderful stuff. And she realized really quickly that she wasn’t going to be able to find a software that was going to be attractive, first of all, and secondly, so many things were so siloed.

[00:07:49] Like if you were a chiropractor, you needed chiropractic software, and if you are a mental health professional, you need something specifically for that, and that type of thing. So she ended up going to Trevor, who is the other co CEO, and he had an independent business at the time. He was working on her website, and they just sort of like bespoke, built it in,

[00:08:08] to her website, and started using that. Because she wanted to offer online scheduling and she wanted everybody to be able to use one platform. And that was the beginning of Jane. That’s sort of how that started.

[00:08:19] Linzy: And you can feel that. Like, you can feel that it is made for practitioners, like, for folks to actually use it. Okay, so let’s dig into what Jane is. Because I’m talking about it and I said we were going to tell the people what it is, so we should do that. We should be integrity. So for people who are unfamiliar with Jane, what is it?

[00:08:36] Amy-Lynn: Jane is an online practice management platform for health and wellness professionals… or, electronic medical records, or, you know, EMR. So Jane basically will help you tackle everything from online booking through to your scheduling, all of your session notes and charting, email and text reminders.

[00:08:56] It takes care of it all, and our goal is to reduce the administrative burden of running a practice, right? Because we want to do those things for you that are so time consuming. And that’s what the focus of Jane and its features are.

[00:09:12] Linzy: So you have like the scheduling aspect, there’s like the online booking, there’s your schedule on the backend that you can control, there’s client notes. There’s payments, like it tracks payments that are outstanding to you, what you’ve collected, what is still owed, all of that kind of stuff. So it basically does most of what you need software to do.

[00:09:32] And I know you folks have also integrated video calls into it, like around the time of the pandemic.

[00:09:36] Amy-Lynn: We absolutely have integrated telehealth in Jane. We have insurance integrations. We have payment integrations, and all of that wonderful stuff as well.

[00:09:45] Linzy: There’s so many components to Jane. It’s kind of like a little universe of all the things. Can you highlight a few of the features that you think make Jane so good, that have made you want to work for Jane even?

[00:09:56] Amy-Lynn: Oh, yeah. Well, definitely, what really made me want to work for Jane was the ease of things from the client side. Like, I found the ability to be able to book an appointment online and be able to fill out my intake paperwork. So I feel that’s a really great feature of Jane because it gives you the ability to create, like, customized intake paperwork… That’s automated.

[00:10:18] So it’s going out to your clients when they’re booking. The other thing that I think is a really awesome feature is when you’re doing session notes, cause you were talking before about session notes, and the frustrations around making sure they’re in the right order.

[00:10:30] And Jane has… Like our notes are customizable, our templates are completely customizable, and if you want to build one from scratch that works just for you, you absolutely can. But probably one of the coolest features I think Jane has is just our massive template library where other professionals have created just some truly incredible templates, and you can pull them into your Jane account, you can change them and work with them and make them You know, your own is to work with a flow that works for you and saves you time, which is really fantastic.

[00:11:03] And that same template library also includes intake form templates as well. So you’re not starting from scratch when you’re building those critical forms for your clinic.

[00:11:14] Linzy: Which is so helpful. Like, I think notes are one of the more stressful parts of being a practitioner, especially a mental health therapist. And I think part of that is that folks in the mental health space, like we tend to be quite narrative and verbose. We like the words, the details. Like when somebody’s telling you a story, like I used to write literally a whole page of notes for every client.

[00:11:36] And my handwriting is tiny. Like I used to have high school teachers joke about needing a microscope to read my writing. It was a lot, but it’s like, it all feels really important, you know, and depending on the modality that you’re using, you’re catching all these different little details and you have your own, as you say, like you’re almost like having little templates in front of you and your written notes. And something that I did with Jane,

[00:11:57] as you’re referring to, is like I had my own template that I eventually made as I settled into like, okay there’s all this information, but to distill it into my

[00:12:04] formal, this is “the note” for the session, I had like, you know, those three or four boxes that would pop up automatically if I said it was a regular session, but I had a different template for like an administrative note or a different template for a call with another practitioner. And having that kind of structure in place, like I think it’s easy to underestimate how much bandwidth that eats up when we have to kind of make something fresh every time or remember how to do it, but like baking your needs into

[00:12:33] your software, and have it so that your software is just like, oh, here’s the template for this. This is how you like to do it. You’re like, oh, that is how I like to do it, just creates so much more ease in the process. And so, yeah, that’s a feature that I myself have used. I haven’t seen the template library, but that also sounds very cool.

[00:12:46] Cause I was always thinking, am I doing my notes right? Should I change how I do my notes? Like I would chat with my colleagues a lot about, how do you do your client notes? So I feel like that’s also an opportunity to even change how you do things, and see if there’s a way that you would want to do them differently by having other folks’ brilliance, having access to that.

[00:13:04] Amy-Lynn: Absolutely, because there are thousands, like literally thousands of really amazing templates in there. And, you know, other people have put in the work, and they’re just generously sharing that with you because they know the struggles. And they found something that worked for them, and put it out there and said, I hope this works for you, too.

[00:13:22] And then you can certainly take that and make it your own, which I really think is an awesome feature.

[00:13:27] Linzy: Yeah. Yeah. Another feature that I’ll say that I loved as a practitioner, and as a client that I love, too… Because as a Canadian, I do find that almost all my practitioners use Jane. Like it is the default. In fact, my challenge has been remembering my Jane password for all my different practitioners, right?

[00:13:43] It’s like, wait, is this the password for my naturopath? No. That’s my osteopath password. And so, especially when I was pregnant and having my son and had a lot of, you know, manual health needs. Yeah, I find like the default is Jane, but something that I loved when you folks rolled this out a few years ago when I was in practice, and I loved receiving it as a client, was that credit card on file. It’s so simple. but it felt kind of revolutionary at the time. And I noticed for myself as a client, my osteo has my credit card on file. And that means when I see him. And usually, to be honest, I’m sorry, Mark, my osteo, I only see him when I’ve already put my back out. So I already see him when I’m basically in crisis, like, I’m like, “Hello, I cannot sit. Please ease me onto the table.”

[00:14:26] And so he has my card on file. So when I go to leave that session, rather than having to pull out my wallet and give that information all over again, he’s just like, okay, I charged your card. I was like, thank you, sir. I will see you hopefully not for a long time. Again, just that like smoothness, like that removing friction as a client is great.

[00:14:44] Cause there’s no reason that I should have to give him fresh payment information every single time. And so it’s just like, it’s just an automated thing that makes the flow faster for him, but it also makes it faster for me as a client.

[00:14:54] Amy-Lynn: Absolutely. And it also leaves your interaction with that practitioner, not on, oh, and by the way, here’s your bill. Right? It leaves it on that, you know, the good positive feelings that ideally you have when you’re leaving there. And it leaves you being able to like, live in the moment, even as a client being able to just walk out and know that everything’s taken care of, you know, and you don’t have to worry about standing there and giving payment and because it’s just taken care of for you.

[00:15:20] Linzy: Well, because the other piece too that I see my students, like the therapists and health practitioners who work with me in Money Skills for Therapists, what they struggle with sometimes is also billing their clients, right? So like, sometimes it’s like the session ends and you’re like, okay, great. See you next week.

[00:15:36] But like, there’s no invoicing that happens. There is no bill that’s given. And then, that can actually create a lot of tension in that relationship because then sometimes by the time the clinician gets around to being like, Hey, I finally sat down and did my billing. You owe me 500. The client is like, I don’t have 500 right now, right?

[00:15:55] And now you’ve created an issue in your relationship, right? And now you’re starting to think about payment plans, or the client is resentful because they’re like, why didn’t I just pay you as I went? I do see this happen a lot where our avoidance actually hurts our relationships with our clients.

[00:16:10] We’re trying to protect them. We’re trying to be like, Oh, I don’t want to bring money into this. I’ll just, we’ll just talk about it next week. And then next week, of course, we’ll just talk about it next week. We’re trying to create harmony, but we actually end up creating discord because we’re not

[00:16:22] withholding the boundaries of the relationship. And the boundaries are we’ve just had an exchange. I gave you skills and gifts and treatment, and you give me money. So when we haven’t billed them and when they haven’t paid us when they left the door, there’s actually this like kind of unfinishedness to that interaction, which is not good for any relationship to have kind of these loose ends hanging out.

[00:16:44] Amy-Lynn: No, absolutely. And I think the nice thing about like Jane’s process of being able to get credit cards on file, even that part of the transaction doesn’t necessarily have to be face to face or part of your session,

[00:16:55] Linzy: Mm hmm.

[00:16:56] Amy-Lynn: which can feel a little icky, you know. So the ability to collect that information on your intake paperwork and have like a nice little blurb about why you’re collecting it and the importance of collecting it.

[00:17:08] So expectations are set during the intake process before they even come and see you for that first session. And that can be really key to not feeling bad about it.

[00:17:19] Linzy: Yes.

[00:17:19] Amy-Lynn: Either on the practitioner side or on the client side.

[00:17:23] Linzy: And it just bakes it into that relationship from the start of like, yep, this is, we have got your credit card info. This is how I use it. Done. Finished. Yeah. Which is really nice. I’m curious. What other features would you want to highlight for us?

[00:17:39] Amy-Lynn: Oh, terrific. Well, you know, like I mean coming from my administrative background, I absolutely love an efficient process. So one of, I think, my favorite things really is a lot of the things that Jane automates. So like on, on top of things such as the intake paperwork that we’ve been talking about, there are also automated notifications, and unlimited text and email reminders, and wait lists, and all of those things that just reduce administrative lift.

[00:18:07] You know, whether you are a solo practitioner or you have people in your clinic that do the admin, everyone is going to love the fact that they don’t have to… It’s not an extra step to get these things sent out, and it’s not an extra step to use these features because so many of those things are automated in Jane.

[00:18:26] So, that’s a good one. And then, if anything else, I would say, so Jane has some insurance integrations in both Canada and the U. S. We actually have a direct relationship with a clearinghouse in the U. S. that we just were able to introduce bringing eligibility checks directly into Jane, which is exciting.

[00:18:44] So, that’s another feature that I think is really exciting.

[00:18:48] Linzy: Yes. And another thing I’ll say about Jane, and this is not inconsequential, is that it’s pretty. Jane is pretty. For folks listening, a lot of folks in my audience, I’m sure, share my like sensitivity, right? Like if something is, you know, ugly and glaring, that actually detracts from my ability to be able to focus, right?

[00:19:08] It’s just like if it’s like, or too much information, right? That kind of sensory overload that can happen when you look at something and there’s so much information that it’s like, wait, where am I supposed to look? What is this? Why am I seeing this? I don’t want to see this information. Is there a way not to?

[00:19:21] I find Jane is so streamlined and clear in your design and also the design for the booking page itself, you can make it feel very brand aligned. So when somebody goes on your website, they click over to the Jane page, and it feels like they’re still on the same website because the colors all blend. Those kinds of things make a really big difference.

[00:19:38] And I definitely notice when I’m using software that has not had that kind of thoughtful design, you notice. You notice it. Yeah. And then the other geeky thing that I want to add then now that I’ve talked about things being pretty is, I want to talk about reports. The Jane financial reports are so good.

[00:19:54] And as somebody who teaches finances, right, and teaches therapists how to have financial clarity. I do find that there are some softwares that I look at, and I am having trouble discerning what information the report is giving me, and how to get the information that I want. And Jane, I never had that experience as a practitioner.

[00:20:12] Whenever I went into Jane, and I wanted information, it was always very clear how to get that information. It’s always like, it was super clear and super easy to run a report of like how many folks I had seen that week, how much I billed, how much money is outstanding. Who are my top clients, right? Like who’s paid me the most over time.

[00:20:28] It’s just like those report features are not what we usually think of when we think about like, what tool am I going to use every day, but for the kind of skills that I’m teaching folks to use where you zoom out on your practice, and you look at what’s happening and you start to understand the trends, and you start to understand where you can make little decisions that make a big difference,

[00:20:47] having that clear report information available is essential, like that is foundational to be able to be strategic in your business.

[00:20:55] Amy-Lynn: Absolutely. Absolutely.

[00:20:57] Linzy: So administrative tasks are kind of the bane of health practitioners and therapists because most of us do not have a love of administration, which might be strange to you as someone

[00:21:09] Linzy: who does have a love of process and operations. Right. But like, it ends up being one of those things that like you have to do in order to do what you really like to do, which is, you know, IFS or helping folks with TMJ issues or whatever it is, right, that your passion is. 

So what are some of the common pain points that you notice private practice owners struggling with when it comes to that? admin stuff. And how does Jane help to ease that? 

[00:21:22] Amy-Lynn: Yeah, you know, one of the key things I would say is definitely spending a lot of time doing follow ups. So when we talked a little bit before about things like those automated notifications and those unlimited SMS and text reminders. Also like return visit reminders. So, you know, you’re not spending that extra time with Jane, doing those follow ups. You know that your clients have those links, you know, if it’s a link to their telehealth call, you know that they have it. You know that they’ve been notified by email and by sms that their appointment is coming up. So you don’t have to kind of have that weight on your shoulders about, “Gee I need to follow up with them and make sure that they got everything they needed,” because you know that they’ve got it.

[00:22:15] Probably another key thing would be You know, managing your schedule, a lot of practitioners sometimes, you know, like you work all day doing what you love. And then you’re, when you go home, you’re not really home because now you’re thinking about, like, you’re scheduling and, you know, you’re taking calls and you’re answering emails and all of that wonderful stuff.

[00:22:32] And one of the key things that, that Jane does is that online booking piece that you were talking about before and the ability for you to have control over what you offer in your schedule online, but to just be able to sit back once you’re confident that you’ve got that time up there that you can sit back and just let people book that time.

[00:22:53] And you don’t have to worry about, you know, following up with emails and making phone calls. You can also give them the opportunity to be able to handle some of those things, on their own. Right? So with that, we have a pretty amazing client portal, and they can go on and see their upcoming appointments.

[00:23:11] If that appointment is past your late cancellation period, they can reschedule or cancel that appointment with a reason on their own. Again, not having to call and put that kind of time out of your day for dealing with scheduling.

[00:23:24] Linzy: Yeah, because scheduling can be this very painful puzzle, too, that we carry in our brain where it’s like, okay, this person can’t do Tuesday at 10 and they can do Thursday at 4, but then I also have to pick up my kids. So maybe… like, it’s a lot of bandwidth that we end up holding. And like, I do really love having a tool that lets your clients be empowered to manage their side of things, right? It’s not all on you. It’s like they get to look and they can see, Oh, okay. There’s an opening Tuesday at two, but there’s another opening Wednesday at three. And they can go through their own process of like, Oh, well I have a meeting at three, but I can easily move that meeting to one.

[00:23:57] And then I can make it. And then it’s like all of this decision making is happening, but you as a practitioner haven’t actually had to be part of it. Yeah. Because they’re an adult. And they can figure it out without having to go back and forth with you, to figure out, you know, where they can see you in the week.

[00:24:10] So I think that is also empowering for your clients to be able to handle stuff without you having to be in the middle of everything.

[00:24:16] Amy-Lynn: Yeah, absolutely. Things like, you know, the note taking process. We talked quite a bit already about, you know, session notes and charting notes and the fact that that process can sometimes be daunting, overwhelming. It can take too long. You know, you have a busy day and sometimes you’re feeling like well, you know I may have to end up going to work back to that last note, and the ability to be able to do that easily and the ability to be able to have, you know, a charting system that allows you to save yourself some time because just beyond the templates that we were talking about earlier, we also have some really cool things where you’re able to, if your device has speech to text, you can dictate into any note field.

[00:24:55] on a chart in Jane. We have something called smart narrative, where you’re actually able to build out rules around different things. So my client had pain in his right elbow and that type of thing. And it’s better or worse since the last time they came in. And as you’re answering those questions, Jane is actually building a narrative for you.

[00:25:16] So you’ve got quick little button presses, but Jane is creating a whole paragraph. Another key thing in that is that if you find yourself, you know, and I’m sure that we all do… I know in a day, I’ll be typing things out and I’ll be like, geez, you know, I think I’ve typed the same thing four times today.

[00:25:33] And, in the notes, you’re actually able to highlight it and turn it into what we call a phrase. So we have these quick phrases where you’re able to just type in a couple of key words and, boom, that entire sentence or that entire paragraph appears in your notes. So some of those things really kind of lift that administrative lift off of that fact that those session notes can take a long time.

[00:25:57] Linzy: They can. They really, really can. And what I love about that, too, is it’s starting to think about what is the same between client sessions? Like what is automatable? Cause I think, too, in the mental health field, we’re really good at seeing everybody as unique individuals and everybody’s complex.

[00:26:15] And, you know, we really notice what’s different between our clients, right? And what makes them unique. But there’s also lots of things that are the same. Right. So as you say, like, there’s going to be phrases that we write over and over again, like, it’s been a minute since I’ve written a clinical note, but as you were saying that I was thinking like, oh, yeah, I had a certain sentence that I would write something about, like, use a calm place for like grounding and containment, something like that, right?

[00:26:37] Because I was an EMDR therapist, and I probably wrote that phrase. hundreds of times over the course of my time in private practice, right? So that’s one that it sounds like that would be an example of a phrase where like I could just click into like the complex phrase and like plunk in that whole sentence in two clicks rather than writing out those words maybe three times a day because that was a common intervention that I used in my clinical sessions.

[00:27:01] Amy-Lynn: Absolutely. The ability to build those and, you know, you can edit them once you’ve created them. So if your language changes or something of that nature, but they’re always there for you to just speed up that process. And there are certain things even at the template level, you can choose, if there are some key things that you know need to be a part of a specific type of session note or chart note.

[00:27:21] You can actually add them at the template level, too. So we give you lots of options to make sure that, you know, you’re as speedy as possible, but as accurate as possible at doing those notes because the, you know, the key part is the treatment and the care that you give. The note taking is a requirement.

[00:27:36] So if we can make it as easy as possible, then, you know, that’s best for everyone,

[00:27:42] Linzy: Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. And any other spots where you see practitioners losing time that Jane can help them with?

[00:27:49] Amy-Lynn: You know, definitely. And we did touch on this quite a bit, before was the idea of the payments, being able to… You know, doing the accounting side and the bookkeeping side and dealing with your AR, finding ways that you can improve that process, make it a little bit quicker and easier.

[00:28:07] You know, we talked about the idea of it being, you know, less transactional. But aside from that, when we step back from the, from your actual sessions or treatments, with your patients and clients. It’s the step back to look at your business and say, this is what my current AR is and how do I deal with that and how can I reduce it?

[00:28:26] And, you know, we have some things from that online booking side where you’re actually able to create payment policies. So you can… If you’re not collecting credit cards on the intake paperwork, you actually have the ability to collect them while people are booking online, so you can collect credit cards. You can charge a deposit.

[00:28:42] You can even get paid for your entire session up front. And you can also have different rules between… If it’s a very first time client, maybe that first time client is paying for your session entirely up front the first time. And then after that, they’re able to book sessions without having to pay.

[00:29:00] Right. So for those follow ups, so that we give you a lot of control around that. But those types of things, you know… Being able to make sure you’ve got those cards on file, or that you’re charging for things prior to appointments, all of those give you that little bit of financial security, you know. Being able to deal with things like no shows and late cancellations… In Jane, you’re able to put in a pretty comprehensive cancellation policy where you can tell people, you know, if you no-show, we’re charging you for the cost of the appointment, or you can do a percentage of that.

[00:29:31] Jane gives you full control over what type of no show and late cancellation fees you’d like to have. But the fact that the card is on file, again, eliminates that friction of having to reach out to them and say, Hey, you no-showed. I need a card so I can charge this.

[00:29:45] Right.

[00:29:46] Linzy: Yes. Yeah, it streamlines the processes, but it also streamlines them in a way that’s really customizable. Right? So you can really set it up to reflect the client population that you work with. What are your policies? How are you communicating? Yeah, being able to do that, that follow up, about sessions not paid, like an automatic message.

[00:30:04] Like, I remember writing that message. I had an email I used to use because I didn’t, I don’t know if this feature existed back when I was using Jane. But I used to be like, Hey, it was great to see you today. As a reminder, your payment is 150. And I would like, again, write out that email myself. I could see how handy it would be to have that

[00:30:18] language already prepared in a note that I can just send if for some reason somebody forgot to pay me, or the transfer didn’t go through. Again, just streamlining, automating, and making it very professional and boundaried, right? So there isn’t like that room for it to become messy or an issue between you and the client.

[00:30:34] And just to go back a minute, Amy-Lynn, you’re using the phrase AR, which is a business term, which for folks listening is accounts receivable, right? We want your accounts receivable, the money that is owed to you by clients. I would say we want that number to be as close to zero as possible. And I would argue the only times that it shouldn’t be zero is if you’re dealing with a third party payer, like an insurance company, or in Canada, there’s like lots of programs from the government around like victim services or like services for indigenous folks where there is somebody else paying that bill.

[00:31:04] In those cases, you are going to have an accounts receivable that adds up because of that third party. owes you money. But generally speaking, I would argue that between you and an individual client, there should be no balance that is adding up. And it sounds like Jane has so many ways to keep that from becoming an issue.

[00:31:20] Amy-Lynn: Absolutely. We even have a pay balance feature on our statements and a pay balance email that can be sent from the client profile. So if you’re not charging that card on file, or you did not collect a card prior to, after the session, you’re able to send a very professional email. This is your balance for the session so that can be dealt with and they can go online and enter their information and pay it, which is really nice.

[00:31:43] Linzy: Yes. Yes. Yeah. The more that we can make these interactions professional and clear and pretty. Did I mention that it’s pretty?

[00:31:50] Amy-Lynn: Very.

[00:31:51] Linzy: That keeps you in a good relationship with your clients, right? That is a way to take care of your clients. So what other types of support does Jane offer folks who are using the program?

[00:32:01] Amy-Lynn: Yeah, that’s a terrific question. And, at Jane, we are here to support you. Like I think support is a very key part of what makes Jane, Jane. So, alongside being able to talk to a real person on the phone and over chats and by email, we also offer things such as account setup consultations.

[00:32:20] So if somebody does sign up with Jane, and they’re brand new, you are not alone. We are there to help you walk through things like getting your schedule set up, and getting those intake forms set up, and helping you navigate through the chart template library, and the template libraries for those things. And just making sure that, you know, if you’re going to offer online booking, that things are looking the way you want them to… All of that stuff, our support team is there to help you through that.

[00:32:47] We also have,like for those DIYers, and the people who don’t like to make phone calls and love to do things themselves, we have, our Jane guides are really comprehensive, and we have some absolutely amazing videos and step by step walkthroughs. There’s just a ton of information out there to support you as you’re working with Jane that way as well.

[00:33:07] We also have a really great little magazine called the Front Desk Magazine. And it is a physical magazine, but you can also see it digitally as well. And that is a focus a little bit more on clinic life. So for example, our last issue was talking about, you know, business visibility, and how to manage your no shows, and that type of thing.

[00:33:27] So not so much Jane support specific, but you know clinic life specific. And then our last thing, and probably one of the coolest things, too, is because my focus is just so much on getting that feedback from the community… Jane has an absolutely amazing Facebook community.

[00:33:43] There are like 14, 000 practitioners that are either Jane users and some are non Jane users, and they’re there not just to support each other with Jane, but they’re also there to ask advice, or give advice on things like the business of running a practice, with Jane in ways, like, “how have you worked to reduce your no shows,” and people will talk about different Jane features around how that works and how they’ve utilized it to be successful.

[00:34:11] It’s a really cool community for sure. So, a vast amount of support. 

[00:34:17] Linzy: And I mean something about my experience with Jane when I was a practitioner and like accessing support and now that I’m part of your ambassador program is Jane is so human. Like as a company, you’re a very human company. So for instance, when I was on maternity leave with my son, I did not have a subscription at that time.

[00:34:36] I had stepped away. I wasn’t practicing for a year. Because I live in Canada. And I remember midway through I got an email from a client being like, “Hey, I need my notes” for some reason. And so it’s like, I think she was maybe seeing a new practitioner or maybe it was court. I can’t even remember now, but I was just like, Oh shit, I need notes.

[00:34:53] So I was like, okay, I might just have to pay. Like I might just have to eat it, and I might just have to pay Jane for a month to get this note for practitioner. And I emailed your support team and I was like, Hey, this is a situation. I’m on mat leave. I’m not practicing, but I have a client who needs a note.

[00:35:06] You know, like, what can you do? And I remember I got an email from a human, a person, very quickly being like, Hey, no problem. I’m going to open up your account for the day, get in there, get what you want. You might also want to get this information while you’re in there. Like happy mat leave, take care.

[00:35:19] And I was like, what? Like for a tech experience, that is exceptional, right? Because so many companies, like so many tech experiences that we have are faceless. It’s like a chatbot that I’m like, that’s not the question I asked, chatbot. But the chatbot is like, I’m sorry, you don’t qualify for support.

[00:35:37] Like I got that message recently from Zoom. I was like, how much money do I need to give Zoom to be able to talk to a human? I don’t know. Infinite amount of… I don’t know. I’m not there apparently. and

[00:35:44] Amy-Lynn: My goodness.

[00:35:45] Linzy: That human element of Jane is so helpful, so helpful when we’re navigating tech and setting things up and accessing things and learning how to use it.

[00:35:57] And you folks do that so, so well. Like I really commend you on your lovely humanness that you’ve managed to maintain despite being a company that serves lots of folks.

[00:36:06] Amy-Lynn: Yeah, I, you know, I’m so glad to hear that. And I absolutely love that. It makes me preen a little because I’m a member of the support team. I just love hearing when people praise… I work with a phenomenal team of people. They are truly exceptional and all of us genuinely care about what it is that we’re doing, and the support that we give. You know, Jane’s mission is help the helpers and we take that to heart I can promise you And you know, I think all of us really want to genuinely be helpful, and I’m so glad that translates into how you feel when you call us because we are a group of humans, and we’re a group of some pretty great humans, and we believe in what it is that you as practitioners offer.

[00:36:51] And we want to support you while you are making a difference in the world.

[00:36:57] Linzy: Yes. Yeah, I think when you work with a team, you can feel if they work in a good workplace. Like you can feel if you’re working with a happy team.

[00:37:04] Amy-Lynn: Absolutely.

[00:37:06] Linzy: You can also feel when you’re working with an unhappy team. and there’s definitely some companies that we’ve worked with where I’m like, Oh, they… I would never suggest anybody work there.

[00:37:13] You know, where there’s like massive turnover all the time. you’re always talking to a new person cause nobody seems to stick around, but like, yeah, you folks seem to really have locked down to like being a company that is doing great things and also taking great care of yourselves as well as your clients, which is a beautiful balance to strike.

[00:37:31] Amy-Lynn: Absolutely. And that’s amazing because definitely like even going back to my journey with Jane, it was reading about their values and their mission and then becoming a part of Jane, which I’ve been for almost two years now and realizing they genuinely do live that vision and mission every single day.

[00:37:47] We all do. And yeah. We’re happy to help.

[00:37:51] Linzy: The love fest is almost over…

[00:37:52] Amy-Lynn: It is!

[00:37:53] Linzy: For those who would be interested in learning more about Jane or who are thinking about switching from their current EMR to Jane, can you explain what that process looks like?

[00:38:02] Amy-Lynn: Absolutely. Well, one of the first things I would definitely recommend if you’re thinking that Jane might be a good EMR for you is please do one of our free demos with a support team member. So you would get somebody like me on the other line. You give us a little bit of information about your practice. You know how many clinicians you have if you’re a solo practitioner, what type of disciplines that you are going to offer and all of that wonderful stuff.

[00:38:26] And we will customize a little demo for you and walk you through how Jane could work for your business. I always suggest that everybody starts there because it is really key to get a good idea of how Jane could function for you. We want happy people coming to Jane. If you’re switching from another platform, that process will include getting some data out of your current platform, and Jane does have a dedicated imports team of our own, and we also have some wonderful guides as well that talk about, you know… we try to help you get the data from your current systems and give you an idea of what to expect from what you can get out of the current systems that you have.

[00:39:05] And then our import team, you upload that information into a secure area, they hop in and they work really hard and they get all of that information into Jane for you. And that process is also included. It is part of you becoming a Jane customer. That import side of things is taken care of for you.

[00:39:23] And then after the import, you have unlimited support. So you can phone us, book those accounts, set up consultations to help get you up and running, and phone us whenever you need us, send us emails, chat with us. We are there to support you while you get started with Jane.

[00:39:41] Linzy: And that’s at every subscription level, to be clear.

[00:39:43] Amy-Lynn: That is at every subscription level.

[00:39:45] Linzy: Not only the super premium subscription level. So that’s for everybody. Beautiful. And for folks who are interested in signing up for Jane, we do have a code, uh, Money, Nuts and Bolts, which is M N B 1 M O. And that gets you a one month grace period.

[00:40:02] So you can always do a demo. And if you decide, yep, this is it. When you go to sign up, there’s going to be a spot for you to put the code. So you can do the code after the demo. Or if you know, you’re interested now, that’s a way for you to try Jane for free. And Jane is month to month, right? So folks could try it for that month.

[00:40:15] It’s not like they’re signing up for a year and getting a month off. that’s your one month grace period to like check it out and play with it. And then if it’s not for you, you’re not like locking in for a long period of time.

[00:40:25] Amy-Lynn: Absolutely.

[00:40:26] Linzy: Yeah, because sometimes that’s the trick, right?

[00:40:28] Amy-Lynn: Yeah.

[00:40:28] Linzy: It’s good to be clear about that because I recently got locked into a subscription.

[00:40:31] And I was like, what? I’m paying monthly, but if I try to cancel, I have to pay out the rest of the year? Like, this is insane. This is not like that. This is month to month. So that code MNB1MO is a way to try it. And what I always encourage, Amy-Lynn, is curiosity. Just like being curious, just trying it out and poking around and seeing.

[00:40:47] So if you’re curious, I encourage you to try it out and get in there and poke around and see how you like it, see how it works for your brain. Yeah, because there… I have literally nothing bad to say about you folks, which says a lot. Cause I used Jane in my practice for many years. So there was lots of opportunity for bad things to happen, and nothing ever did.

[00:41:04] So I’m very, very appreciative of you being here today.

[00:41:07] Amy-Lynn: Oh, that is so amazing. It was absolutely my pleasure. It was my pleasure to meet with you. It was my pleasure to talk with you about Jane and how it can help your listeners. And I am very excited, and hope to be able to talk with some of them. If they do sign up, that’d be awesome.

[00:41:21] Linzy: We’ll put the links in the show notes, to be able to book those demos. We’ll put a link to the signup page. If folks know they’re ready to jump in, we’ll put the code there. It’s all going to be in the show notes. So check out the show notes, so that you can go explore Jane. And thank you so much, Amy-Lynn, for joining me today.

[00:41:35] Amy-Lynn: You’re so welcome. You have an amazing rest of your day, and thanks for having me.

[00:41:53] Linzy: Thanks so much to Amy-Lynn for coming on the podcast. Today, I got super excited. I know it was a love fest, but I hope that folks feel the genuineness of the love fest, because having a tool that works for you, especially like our clinic management software that we use every single day, so much of our time is spent interfacing with that software.

[00:42:15] And if it works, life is easy. And if it doesn’t, life is hard. So I’m a real fan of things being smooth and easy and stable. I’m just a real fan of things working. And so, if you are curious about Jane, I definitely suggest checking it out. Again, you can use my code M N B 1 M O, to get a one month grace period to check it out for free.

[00:42:37] And then if you decide that you don’t like it, you can just cancel. So, I would suggest… This is what I do when I’m doing something free. I sign up and then I put a reminder in my calendar to say, okay, 26 days from now, a little reminder to be like, Hey, do you still want to keep this thing?

[00:42:50] So if you’re curious about Jane, there’s a little tip for how you can set it up so that you can explore it for a month, play with it. I think you’re really going to like it.

[00:42:59] So if you have any kind of headaches at all with your current EMR, I would suggest checking out Jane, and see if that’ll work better for you. You can follow me on Instagram at money, nuts and bolts. And if you’re enjoying the podcast, it’s so helpful for me if you mention it to your colleagues, your friends, your office mate across the hall, to let them also be part of these conversations about money and feelings and admin work and software.

[00:43:27] Some of the things that might not be very sexy, but definitely make our life better when they are working. Thank you so much for joining me today.

Picture of Hi, I'm Linzy

Hi, I'm Linzy

I’m a therapist in private practice, and a the creator of Money Skills for Therapists. I help therapists and health practitioners in private practice feel calm and in control of their finances.

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